Get Involved
Parents who have an interest in volunteering their time and talents to the school are encouraged to notify either the classroom teacher or the office. Parent volunteers serve either in a particular classroom or for general school tasks. The Principal or the individual classroom teacher will make all decisions regarding the placement and responsibilities of our volunteers. All volunteers are required to fill out volunteer application and show photo I.D.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Parent Teacher League
- Heritage Festival Pie Booth
- Box Top Fundraising Coordinator
- Library
- Room Parents
- Field Trip Drivers
- Hot Lunch Coordinator and Volunteers
- Rummage Sale
- Christmas Shop
- VIP Luncheon
- School Auction
- Yearbook
- Lunch Room Parent
Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you for being involved in your child's school.
Kroger Rewards
St Paul participates with the Kroger Rewards Program. Every time you use the Kroger Plus Card, we earn funds for our church and school. Let's double the amount of participants - only a Kroger Plus Card is necessary to join. Please register online (#82857) with your Kroger Plus Card.