School Information
Daily Schedule
Students Arrival Time: 8:30am (Arrivals Prior to 8:30am go to Extended Care room)
Lunch: 11:50am - 12:20pm
Recess: 12:25pm - 12:55pm
Half Day 3 & 5 Days Per Week: 8:45am - 11:50am
Full Day 3 & 5 Days Per Week: 8:45am - 3:30pm
Kindergarten & Young 5s
Full Day: 8:45am - 3:30pm
Half Day: 8:45am - 11:50am
Grades 1-8
8:45am - 3:30pm
School Closings
Emergency school cancellation may occur due to inclement weather, utility failure, or absenteeism of more than 1/3 of the total student enrollment. Our school will automatically be closed whenever it is announced that all Northville Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather. All Preschool and Latch Key programs are automatically cancelled whenever the day school is closed. The Principal makes decisions regarding emergency school cancellation.
St. Paul Lutheran School participates in a statewide reporting system, coordinated by the Michigan State Police via the LEIN computer network, whereby all major television and radio stations are provided with updated school closing information. Typically WWJ (950 AM) or WDIV (channel 4) provide school-closing information for St. Paul.
Please click HERE to check for current school closings.
*Note - If Northville Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, St. Paul Lutheran will be closed.
Dress Code
A school dress code is important to a school’s program. It not only helps set a standard of appearance for the school, but can also have an effect on the behavioral and educational environment, along with the public’s perception of the school and its associated ministries.
We can look to God’s Word for guidelines in all aspects of Christian living. Dress and grooming reflect an individual’s attitude and self-concept. It is primarily the role of the Christian parents to guide their children in proper clothing and grooming. All clothing is to be neat, clean, mended, and modest. Students are to avoid extremes in dress and conduct that would tend to draw undue attention to themselves or to the school. Clothing that interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable.
Samples of acceptable dress may be found in a Lands’ End student uniform catalog, with Lands’ End look-alikes allowed. Our school dress code applies to Young 5s through Grade 8.
Please review the exceptions and specific modifications that are found below.
General Guidelines
- Slacks and shorts are to be cotton blends, wool, corduroy or poly blends. Solid colors of navy, khaki, or black must be of a traditional, tailored style (pleated or plain front), with proper hem and must not touch the floor. Denim, jean-style, cargo pants and low-rise slacks are specifically excluded. Shorts are to be a dress or walking style, at mid-thigh, must be hemmed and worn only from August – October 31 and April – June. Slacks and shorts with belt loops must be worn with a belt. Belts must be black or brown leather or navy or khaki canvas web. (Young 5s & Kindergarten are not required to wear belts.)
- Skorts, skirts and jumpers are to be of the fabric, color and styling as shorts and slacks. No Plaids. Leggings (black, navy or khaki) or tights may be worn with skirts / jumpers
- Tops, shirts and blouses may be any solid color and have collars. Oxford cloth, dress fabric and knit polo shirts or turtlenecks may be short or long-sleeved. No T-shirts or sleeveless tops will be permitted.
- Sweaters/ fleece (without hoods) are to be solid-color crew or v-neck pullovers, cardigans or sleeveless vests. A shirt, blouse, or turtleneck is to be worn under the sweater.
- Shoes are to be dress or athletic shoes in good condition and must have non-marking soles. Sandals (with socks), excluding “flip-flop” varieties, will be allowed from August – October 31 and April – June. Socks are to be worn with all footwear. Athletic shoes are required for recess periods.
- ACCESSORIES - GENERAL: Body piercing and permanent tattoos are not allowed. Hats and hooded sweatshirts are to be worn outdoors only unless approved by administration for special activities. GIRLS: Girls may wear modest jewelry including a single pair of pierced earrings; additional piercings are not permitted. Nail polish is permitted. Modest use of make-up is permissible for girls in grades 6-8. BOYS: Facial hair, earrings, make-up, and nail polish are not permitted.
- HAIR: Hair should be neat, clean, tidy, and well-groomed. It should not be distractive and should be kept out of the student’s eyes. Please refrain from haircuts or styles that display an extreme fashion, which may draw unnecessary attention to one self and negatively affect the learning environment.
- CASUAL DAY: Your child’s attire should still be modest and classroom appropriate and may be worn with a contribution to our Mission of the Month Fund.
Casual Day wear may include:- Denim jeans and tops
- Hemmed athletic pants
- T-shirts and sweatshirts (no suggestive, attitudinal, or otherwise objectionable phrases, messages, graphics, or characters)
- GIRLS: Leggings and yoga pants may only be worn with shirts or tunics that cover modestly
Additional Notes to Parents:
- An extra set of clothes should be kept at school in case of spills, etc.
- Boots must be worn during muddy or snowy weather. Boots are not allowed inside the classroom; therefore, shoes must be brought to school for the students to change into.
- Please mark all outer garments with your child’s name. Jackets, boots, and mittens are difficult to identify when so many are the same or similar.
- A separate pair of gym shoes should be kept at school for gym and indoor recess.
- All garments must be in good condition and worn as intended (e.g., no holes and not dramatically or intentionally oversized). When questions arise regarding the suitability of a student’s attire, the Principal, in consultation with the child’s teacher, will make the final decision.
- In the event that a child’s appearance is considered unacceptable, the parent will be notified. In cases of repeat occurrences and, at the discretion of the teacher or Principal, the student may be removed from the classroom until a change of clothing is provided.
Absences & Tardiness
In accordance with state laws, all pupils are expected to maintain regular and punctual attendance. If a student is going to be absent from school the parent must call the school office between 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. to report the absence. A phone call must be made each day the child is absent.
Please call your child's absence into the school as soon as you realize they will be unable to attend, preferably before 8:45 a.m. (school start time) 248.349.3146. Please leave a message on the school voicemail. When calling please provide the name of the child, grade, reason for absence, nature of illness (if any), and the name of the person making the report.
This information is needed as part of our weekly attendance report for the Wayne County Health Department. A written doctor’s excuse is required in cases of extended health-related absenteeism. Since regular attendance is important to the learning process, students who accumulate 20 absences during the school year may be required to repeat the grade.
A child who arrives at school after 8:45 a.m. is considered tardy and will not be admitted to class without a tardy slip. The child must stop in the office to obtain a tardy slip. After excessive tardiness a special consultation between parents and the teacher will be scheduled to discuss possible corrective measures.
To help safeguard the health of our students, we ask parents keep a child home from school if:
- The child has a fever of 99.6 degrees or higher, must be symptom free for at least 24 hours.
- The child has a severe cough or cold, especially if it is just beginning to display these symptoms.
- The child has an unexplained rash, skin eruption, or skin infection.
- The child is experiencing diarrhea or vomiting, must be symptom free for at least 24 hours.
- The child has reddened, sore eyes.
- The child feels ill and complains of a sore throat.
Please contact the school office if your child is ill with a contagious disease so that the parents of his/her classmates can be notified to watch for similar symptoms. It is suggested that you contact your child’s doctor to determine the appropriate waiting period before allowing the child to return to school. Recovered child will be readmitted to school/classes with a doctor’s slip only.
The Northville Public School District makes bus service available free of charge to all children living in the District meeting the same eligibility criteria required of children attending the public schools. Parents should contact the Northville Public Schools Transportation Office at 248.344.8470 to inquire about this service or to report any problems or questions relating to bus transportation. Families who are using the bus service should contact the bus transportation office when their child will not be utilizing bus service on any given day.
Hot Lunches
Hot Lunches are available to St Paul Lutheran students on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout each month. Please send in your lunch order form with cash or a check made out to "cash" on the first Monday of the month. Order forms will be sent home with students. Each day of Hot Lunch costs $5.00 each.
In addition to Hot Lunches, St Paul is offering "Ice Cream Fridays". The PTL is offering a variety of ice cream treats at lunch time on Fridays for $1.00. Proceeds go to support the PTL programs for the school.
Emergency Drills
School Safety Procedures at St. Paul are followed in accordance with State of Michigan Legislature House Bill No. 4713 passed February 25, 2014 and effective July 1, 2014. The entire bill can be found at HERE.
Highlights of the bill are :
Schools are required to conduct the minimum of ten (10) following drills each school year:
- Five (5) Fire Drills – Three (3) by December 1st and Two (2) during the remainder of the school year
- Two (2) Tornado Safety Drills – One must occur during the month of March
- Three (3) Lockdown Drills – Designed drill conducted under this subsection shall include security measures that are appropriate to an emergency such as the release of a hazardous material or the presence of a potentially dangerous individual on or near the premises.
- At least one of the lockdown drills shall occur before December 1 and at least one after January 1.
- At least one of the above drills shall be conducted during the lunch period or recess or at a time when a significant number of students are gathered but not in the classroom.
- The governing body of the school shall ensure that documentation of a completed school safety drill is posted on its website within 30 school days after the drill is completed and is maintained on the website for at least 3 years.
- Implement a Cardiac Emergency Response plan for the school. The cardiac emergency response plan shall address and provide for at least all of the following:
(a) Use and regular maintenance of automated external defibrillators, if available.
(b) Activation of a cardiac emergency response team during an identified cardiac emergency.
(c) A plan for effective and efficient communication throughout the school campus.
(d) If the school includes grades 9-12, a training plan for the use of an automated external defibrillator and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques.
(e) Incorporation and integration of the local emergency response system and emergency response agencies with the school’s plan.
(f) An annual review and evaluation of the cardiac emergency response plan.