Kindergarten through Grade 8
In keeping with the primary mission of St. Paul Lutheran School, the Christian religion forms the center upon which all instruction is based. Each class opens daily with a brief devotion, followed by instruction in Christian doctrine and Biblical study. In the lower grades, the religious instruction consists chiefly of learning Bible stories, together with their applications to everyday life, and the memorization of brief Bible passages and “memory gems.” In the higher grades, a systematic study of Christian doctrine, as outlined in Luther’s Small Catechism, is added.
In addition to the religious instruction, the pupils receive instruction in all secular branches of learning as required by the State of Michigan. These include reading, spelling, handwriting, English, literature, mathematics, social studies (geography, civics, history, etc.), science, computer education, fine arts (music, art, etc.), physical education, and health. In order to provide our students with the best educational opportunities available, modern instructional methods and materials are used, including films, videos, and other audio-visual aids. Many of the texts and other materials used in the classroom are secular in nature. The goal of our school is to help our students understand how to respond to these ideas as Christian students. It is expected that parents will support our curriculum.
All students are required to participate in regular physical education classes unless a valid excuse is received from a parent either in writing or by telephone call. Children need a doctor’s permit for extended nonparticipation in gym classes.
Download the K-8 Curriculum Guide PDF
- 16 students maximum.
- Morning program (Full Day Option Available)
- Christ-centered environment.
- Social skills developed.
- Phonics, letters and word recognition.
- Early math concepts conquered.
Grades 1-8
- Small class sizes, 20 students maximum.
- Quality Christian education program.
- Strong academic curriculum.
- Phonics reading method.
- State certified teachers at all levels.
- Computer learning program.
- Music education program.
- Library and Accelerated Reader program.
- Spanish Instruction
- Uniform dress code.
- Morning and after school care 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Northville district bus service.
- Active Parent Teacher League.