6 Tips for Students During the Holidays

6 Tips for Students During the Holidays

Sunday, 13 September 2020 22:03

After a strange end to the academic year in 2019-2020, at St. Paul Lutheran School we were fortunate to be able to safely open for on-campus classes this fall. It has been challenging to practice the policies that help keep students safe, but well worth it to be able to provide the highest-quality academics and spiritual development possible. Each day feels a little bit closer to normal for faculty and children. As time marches on at a faster pace than it did while we were quarantining, it may be hard to imagine, but the holidays are just around the corner. Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks will be here before you know it. 


There is the slightest hint of chill in the early morning air to remind you of the fact that pretty soon your family might be traveling all over Michigan and beyond. Sometimes, this can mean children forget all about school while they are reuniting with friends and family. Students may find it challenging to get back into the rhythm of studying after winter breaks. In this post, we want to help parents keep their young students on track during the break, so they do not lose their momentum for learning. 

6 Tips for Keeping Up with School During Holiday Breaks

1) Continue to use a calendar 

Are you using a calendar to help your student keep up with assignments and studying? It is important to continue using it during the holidays. If you have not started using a calendar, it is vital to establish one for your students.

Do not let students procrastinate on schoolwork during the break. Help them stay on task even while traveling.

2) Encourage students to use this time to read and write

Schoolwork is not the only means by which students can keep their mind and intellect engaged with learning during the holidays. Encourage students to relax by reading some of their favorite novels and devotional books during the break. While they are not as busy with school assignments, this is a great time to help students begin journaling.

3) Keep up with or encourage catching up with devotionals

It is challenging to keep up with devotionals and Bible-reading plans during the school year. Help your students dive into the Scriptures. 

4) Study the message of Advent together as a family

One of the ways you can jumpstart your family’s Bible study is by focusing on understanding Advent. There are reminders of Christ’s incarnation everywhere, so your children will already by curious to know more. 

5) Eat well and exercise often

‘Tis the season for overeating desserts and sugary, fatty food. It is also the time of year we spend excessive time in vehicles and airplanes as we travel during times we might otherwise be sleeping. If your children are thrown off their schedule, eating poorly, and exercising infrequently, it can affect their ability to focus and have effects even after the holiday season.

6) Take breaks with friends and family

The holidays are a special time in which we can spend friends and family we see far too seldom. While you do not want children to turn their brains off entirely, it is important that they also get the rest they need. They should be able to enjoy seeing cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends, so they can be reminded of the important things in life. 

Though winter breaks can be challenging for students, we still think they are wonderful opportunities to reconnect with family and friends and celebrate the gifts God has given us. First, we give thanks for his grace and mercy during Thanksgiving. Then during the Advent season, we are reminded of God's love for us in that he sent his only begotten Son to save the world. While we are still a few months away, it has been a strange and difficult year. 

We hope parents will be able to take the time to prepare themselves and their families to emphasize those things which are most important during Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you would like to know more about how St. Paul Lutheran School practices Christ-centered, academically rigorous education throughout the year, please contact us for more information