Private School Near Wayne County, MI
Wayne County Michigan has the highest population of any county in Michigan. It is the 19th most populous county in the country. It is home to Detroit and has a rich heritage of innovation and education. There are many excellent colleges and universities, and the county has some of the best public schools in the state. Nevertheless, many parents in the area search for choices other than traditional public education.
There are a number of reasons why parents might seek alternatives to traditional public education in Michigan. St. Paul Lutheran school is a private school near Wayne County. Located in Northville, St. Paul Lutheran School serves students in Wayne and Oakland counties. Here are a few of the reasons to choose our private school near Wayne County.
Excellent Private Schools Near Wayne County, MI | St. Paul Lutheran School
1) Our Mission:
Our teachers believe each student is a Child of God gifted with the potential to achieve success. We are committed to helping each student achieve success.
2) Our Commitment to Scripture:
St. Paul Lutheran School is part of the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. We affirm the inerrancy of all canonical books of the Old and New Testaments. We believe that salvation comes by God’s grace through faith and the good news that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave on the third day. Our faculty and staff make sure students have opportunities to hear the gospel every day.
3) Our Academics:
One of the key advantages of private education is that institutions are able to choose their own curriculum. At St. Paul Lutheran School, you can count on your child receiving the highest quality academic experience. Plus, you can have peace knowing that each subject is taught through the lens of a Christian worldview.
4) Our Culture:
St. Paul Lutheran School is a community and a family. Commitment to taking care of each other and our neighbors is ingrained in our culture. Originally, our school started the same year as our church, in 1896. Though it was discontinued for a time, St. Paul Lutheran School has been in continuous operation since 1959. In that time, we have made a lot of wonderful friends and served thousands of students. Those students have gone on to achieve academic and personal successes in Michigan and beyond.
If you are seeking a private school near western Wayne County in Michigan, we would love to answer your questions about St. Paul Lutheran School. Our faculty and staff are committed to making sure your child has every opportunity to grow. Contact us for more information and to schedule a tour of our Christian private school. We can help your child grow into the person God made them to be.